
UTI Systems develops and impelments the national e-Procurement solution

SEAP – Electronic System for Public Acquisitions

The Electronic System for Public Acquisitions represents an informatics infrastructure, offering to the Romanian public institutions the possibility to purchase products, goods and services through electronic means.

The technological challenges of this project have been represented by the availability of the on-line services, meant to provide a maximum security level, respectively by the complexity of the applications meant to provide the functionalities specific to a public acquisition system. SEAP, an integration project by definition, implied a mixture of proprietary and open-source technologies, architecting a high availability communication infrastructure and a “defence in depth” security design.

It is one of the most complex projects accomplished by UTI and represents, first of all, a proof of professionalism of the technical and management teams within the IT&C Division. Part of the projects initiated by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, for the implementation of the “Information Society”, the SEAP project grants to UTI a substantial contribution to the development of the Romanian business environment and an important position within the Romanian IT&C market segment.