
UTI President awarded a prize at Cotroceni

On February, 27, 2004, Cotroceni Palace hosted the awarding ceremony of the IT&C prizes for the year 2003, an event under the high patronage of the President of Romania, Mr. Ion Iliescu. Representatives of the diplomatic corps, of the important national and international companies, of the mass media, distinguished members of the Romanian IT&C community, were invited at the event.

Mr. Tiberiu Urdăreanu, President of UTI Group and Mr. Mihai Ianciu, Director of the IT&C Division, attended the ceremony, representing UTI.

Mr. Tiberiu Urdăreanu, was awarded the National Order “For merits”, the degree of Knight, by the Romanian President, Ion Iliescu, as an acknowledgment of his merits in the development of the national IT&C industry.

Between January, 26 – February, 4, 2004, members of the Romanian IT&C community presented their proposals concerning the best projects, products, services and Romanian IT&C companies of the year 2003, on the official site of the competition Only the new Romanian projects, already in operation, entered the competition. During the second stage of the competition, between February, 9 – 15, the proposals validated by the jury were voted by the same companies of the Romanian IT&C industry (1000 companies, approximately, 1 vote/company).

UTI Systems was selected as finalist in two categories – “The Best Software Product” and “The Most Innovative Software Product” with gateSafe, UTI logic security product, that provides centralised management and digital identity control in medium-small IT infrastructures.

Two video clips, presenting the product, were shown during the awarding ceremony, by Mr. Cristian Radu, Head of the System Engineering Department within the IT&C Division of UTI Systems. The presentation focused on the innovative character of gateSafe, resulted from a research-development process UTI has invested in for 3 years, being able, at present, to compete with international companies well-known in the field of information security.