
UTI helps disaster-stroke village of Gătaia, Timis county

Taking into consideration the dramatic situation of the Banat inhabitants caused by the recent floods, UTI Group joined the humanitarian campaign for helping the ill-fated people in the Timis county.

On the initiative of UTI Group President, an appeal was made to all companies within the group, which donated sums of money. The money made an object of a sponsorship contract entered into with Gataia village mayorship. The money was distributed to the villagers by the UTI delegate. UTI employees also contributed with clothes and household goods.

Although Foieni village was rated highest in terms of calamity damages, aiding its villagers was impossible as access routes were still flooded. We therefore chose Gataia, for it was second place on the calamity list, after Foieni.

UTI Department of Image and Public Relations organized a transport to Banat on May 26, 2005 in order to help 25 families. Each family received 20,000,000 ROL. Families with children or supporting elderly people also received clothes and household goods. At the beginning of June, a second humanitarian transport will be organized to Buzau county – Siriu village.