
The Electronic System for Public Acquisitions – finalist for eEurope Awards for eGovernment

The Electronic System for Public Acquisitions was nominated in the battle for eEurope Awards for eGovernment 2005 – Transforming Public Services. Over 230 applications originating in 28 East-European countries participated in the pre-selection; the winner will be announced within the Ministerial eGovernment Conference 2005 held in Manchester, on 24-25 November 2005.

The Public Acquisition Electronic System (SEAP), developed for the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology (IGCTI) by UTI Systems, in cooperation with TotalSoft, HP Romania and Microsoft Romania, represents an Information Technology infrastructure which enables Romanian public institutions to procure goods and services by electronic means.

A highly secure infrastructure was designed and built by UTI Systems, based on communication lines, business continuity, authentication, authorisation, PKI-based control when accessing control systems and TEMPEST areas.