
Still growing, after 15 years

At 15, UTI continuously develops its products and services and extends its business lines

In May 2005, UTI will be 15 years old. Fifteen is proof that the company knows how to prosper in the good times, survive through the hard times and realign itself constantly as its visionary leaders recognise new opportunities and drive their teams to figure out how to seize them – and help UTI customers take benefit from them, as well.

UTI has grown over the years from a young company into a very reliable one.
Founded in 1990, it kept on looking for its identity and the profile adequate to the limited resources of that time. In the beginning, UTI took advantage of the opportunities in the field of physical security systems and became leader in this particular market segment. The opportunities that existed in other fields led to the conclusion that a strategy of enlargement via diversification was needed.

We started by creating the UTI brand, as the group identity. The image of a solid and trustworthy corporation was created, a logo was chosen so as to express UTI particular competencies: “Technology for a safer world”. UTI identity was built on the following key words: the customer, the personnel, the technology. A growth strategy and a reengineering programme were elaborated with innovating solutions for the Romanian market. In order to obtain the intended growth, the strategy consecrated an entrepreneurial culture based on innovation, skills and leadership. The “paternal” management style was replaced by decentralization and “can do” approach.

Besides the existing Construction Division, three new divisions were created. The IT&C division was built and introduced UTI on the Romanian IT&C market. In more than two years, this new division became a star on the information systems security market, as well a renowned system integrator.

The Security Systems and Services Division gathers the most important resources in the field of complex physical security. The Defence Division was also created, dealing with complex development projects, sensors and radio detection devices. The development of these two divisions is a consequence of the NATO integration and of the increase of international terrorism.

Today, UTI is a well-structured corporation, with a clear vision over the future, based on its resources, on its past experience and on its positive culture. UTI succeeds because everyone here has a chance to make an impact on accomplishments. UTI learned very early that every opportunity is disguised as a difficult problem. It learned how to seize victory when competing and then innovate products to create further victory.