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TEMPEST – confidential data protection

TEMPEST – confidential data protection


An article by Constantin Pintilie, Radio communications specialist on Tempest equipment Source: e-Week magazine, July 14, 2004 The article refers to the generic term of TEMPEST, designating certain means of protection for confidential information, which are achieved by implementing specific security measures.


UTI has provided an integrated communications system for METROREX

UTI has provided an integrated communications system for METROREX


UTI Systems, through its IT&C Division, will delivered  the integrated communications system for Metrorex Bucharest, in 1999. The article below,  published in Market Watch magazine, describes the subsystems implemented by the UTI IT&C Division, within this project.


Celebration within the Information Technology and Communications Division

Celebration within the Information Technology and Communications Division


On Saturday, July 10th, the Information Technology and Communications Division, part of UTI Systems celebrated two years of existence. The event was celebrated at the Romanian Tennis Club, gathering together representatives of the top management: Mr. Tiberiu Urdăreanu, UTI Group President, Mrs. Lucia Urdăreanu, Image and Public Relations Director, Mrs. Aura Șutaru, Human Resources Director,…


Tiberiu Urdareanu, the president of UTI Group,  has become member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Romania-Israel

Tiberiu Urdareanu, the president of UTI Group, has become member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Romania-Israel


Tiberiu Urdăreanu, the President of UTI Group, is stated among the members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Romania-Israel in the May-June edition of the Chamber’s newsletter. The column also includes a short history of UTI Group and of its business lines, along with short presentations of UTI’s latest IT&C products.  
