Featured News

UTI Direct CALL CENTER is operational

UTI Direct CALL CENTER is operational


The launching of a unique center that assures the direct contact with the customers represented a challenge for UTI, challenge that no other company with such a large customer portfolio would resist. The necessity to implement modern techniques in the management process, involves first of all a new approach to the relationships with the customers,…


Security dictionary: the Cyber attacks

Security dictionary: the Cyber attacks


An article on IT security by Mihai Dinca, System Architect within UTI Systems Source: e-Week magazine, February 23rd, 2005


UTI Systems develops and impelments the national e-Procurement solution

UTI Systems develops and impelments the national e-Procurement solution


SEAP – Electronic System for Public Acquisitions The Electronic System for Public Acquisitions represents an informatics infrastructure, offering to the Romanian public institutions the possibility to purchase products, goods and services through electronic means. The technological challenges of this project have been represented by the availability of the on-line services, meant to provide a maximum…


UTI International sponsored Italy’s stand at the Christmas Bazaar in Bucharest

UTI International sponsored Italy’s stand at the Christmas Bazaar in Bucharest


On December 5th, 2004, at Romexpo, took place the Christmas Bazaar, organised by the International Women’s Association of Bucharest. The participation of the Italian Embassy in this event was sponsored by UTI International, which thus contributed to raising money for charity, to be donated to such organisations in Romania. International Women’s Association’s Christmas Bazaar is…
