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UTI  positive balance of 2012

UTI positive balance of 2012


On December 18th, 2012 the key people of UTI gathered to remember the accomplishments, successes and challenges of the last years. Although the past year was a very difficult one, UTI has managed to achieve its goals thanks to the appropriate strategic approaches and actions of the management and to the loyalty and perseverance of…


Information security granted by certSIGN at BakuTel, Azerbaijan

Information security granted by certSIGN at BakuTel, Azerbaijan


certSIGN participated in the BakuTel International Conference in November 6-9, 2012. ON this occasion, certSIGN specialists demonstrated the technical solution provided to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology – Authentications solutions using mobile devices. The demonstration was appreciated by the Ministry through a letter signed by Mr. Nail Mardanov – Director of the Information…


UTI takes part in the construction of the largest photovoltaic park in Romania

UTI takes part in the construction of the largest photovoltaic park in Romania


UTI by Construction and Facility Management business line signed an agreement with EFACEC Central Europe Limited for the construction and development of the largest photovoltaic park in Romania, at Cujmir, Mehedinţi on October 2012. The 16.5 million Euro project covers an area of approximately 89 acres and it will have a capacity of 12 MW,…


UTI Shooting Center hosted the entertaining program Ca-n filme (Digi24)

UTI Shooting Center hosted the entertaining program Ca-n filme (Digi24)


UTI Shooting Center hosted the entertaining program Ca-n filme, a weekly TV broadcasting produced and distributed by Digi24, presenting cinema history and techniques. Its edition on the 14th of October was dedicated to the James Bond movies and UTI Shooting Range was chosen to shoot the intros for the topic. The actor Bogdan Albulescu presented…
