Featured News

UTI will implement an integrated public transport management system in Burgas, Bulgaria

UTI will implement an integrated public transport management system in Burgas, Bulgaria


Burgas, the fourth largest city in Bulgaria and an important Black Sea touristic attraction is facing problems related to the safety of public transport.


UTI continues its strategy of approaching new international markets

UTI continues its strategy of approaching new international markets


One of UTI’s strategic objectives is to expand its presence on international markets and to increase its portfolio of foreign projects.


UTI’s point of view regarding the erroneous presentation of the functionalities of the SEAP system and of the business activities of UTI in the online publication “Romania Curata”

UTI’s point of view regarding the erroneous presentation of the functionalities of the SEAP system and of the business activities of UTI in the online publication “Romania Curata”


To: Alianța pentru o Românie Curată Mihai Goțiu, Editorial– Coordinator Ref: Comments regarding our company in the article “SEAP transparentizează sau ascunde date esențiale ale contractelor din bani publici?” (Does SEAP render essential data of public agreements transparent or opaque?) “Cine este Urdăreanu, multimilionarul din spatele SEAP și ce multe alte afaceri au chiar firmele…


Press release: The football matches on the National Arena scheduled for 2015 could be cancelled if the Bucharest City Hall does not meet the contractual obligations to its service providers

Press release: The football matches on the National Arena scheduled for 2015 could be cancelled if the Bucharest City Hall does not meet the contractual obligations to its service providers


UTI Grup could suspend its administration as well as technical and current maintenance services for the National Arena due to the failure of the City Hall to observe its contractual obligations and to make the payments for the services provided by UTI during November 2014 – February 2015. The quantum of the debt to UTI…
