Featured News

UTI show solidarity to the victims of the earthquake in Nepal

UTI show solidarity to the victims of the earthquake in Nepal


UTI has joined the initiative of the Romanian Red Cross, following the disastrous earthquake that stroke Nepal in April and May, and has offered important sums of money to the hurt people . The capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, and the neighboring villages have been completely destroyed, numerous people have died and buildings have been demolished. Several…


UTI will provide informatics solutions for the National Agricultural Register

UTI will provide informatics solutions for the National Agricultural Register


The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration has awarded, following an open bidding procedure, a contract to modernize the collection, evaluation, analysis and reporting of the data in the National Agricultural Register, to a venture made up of UTI Grup, Bion Advanced Suport Team and  EguildE. The project aims to develop and implement a…


UTI signs the contract for the 5th metro line in Bucharest

UTI signs the contract for the 5th metro line in Bucharest


UTI Grup and its associates, Astaldi, FCC Construccion and Activ Group Management, signed the contract  amounting  to 180 million Euro to provide installation works for Raul Doamnei-Hasdeu section of the 5th metro line that crosses Drumul Taberei district in Bucharest. Read more


The bridge tax will be paid electronically thanks to a solution developed by UTI

The bridge tax will be paid electronically thanks to a solution developed by UTI


The electronic payment solution implemented to collect the bridge fare at Feteşti-Cernavodă, that replaces the stop and pay system, has been implemented by UTI and Altimate and is a premiere for Romania. Find out more details about the results of the 1st stage of the implementation and its extension in the article published in Ziarul…
