Featured News

Tiberiu Urdareanu, UTI President, at ZF Live: The databases administered by the public institutions must be interconnected


Tiberiu Urdareanu, UTI President, discussed  the steps the company took over the 25 years, the strengths that keep the company a top of the industry, the projects that positively influence the life of the communities in an interview for Ziarul Financiar.


UTI launches a ticketing and public transportation management pilot project in Burgas

UTI launches a ticketing and public transportation management pilot project in Burgas


In February 2015, UTI signed a contract to implement the integrated public transportation management in Burgas, Bulgaria. 8 months after the start of the implementation, in October 2015, a pilot project has been launched to demonstrate the functionalities and advantages of the system. Thus, the video surveillance functions have been tested for 3 intersections that…


The public transportation system in Burgas was presented in the local newspapers

The public transportation system in Burgas was presented in the local newspapers


“The new public transportation management center will increase traffic safety”, stated Dimitar Nikolov, mayor of the Burgas Municipality, when the pilot of the ticketing and public transportation system was launched. UTI is currently implementing this complex system in Burgas. More details in the English version of the article published in flagman.bg.


Join UTI’s team! Find us at Angajatori de Top event in Bucharest

Join UTI’s team! Find us at Angajatori de Top event in Bucharest


On 22 and 23 October 2015, UTI takes part in Top Employer, the most important career fair for young professionals and students. The event will take place in Bucharest, at the Palace Hall. UTI will be present with a vast job offer in installation engineering, project management, IT programming and development fields. UTI is the leader…
