Featured News

Charitable activity of the UTI Foundation for the needy families of the St. Silvestru parish

Charitable activity of the UTI Foundation for the needy families of the St. Silvestru parish


At the beginning of the year, UTI Foundation, with the support of UTI’s employees, organized a new charitable activity, focused on a few needy families of the St. Silvestru, parish. The foundation’s team has bought things that the children need at school: thick clothes, sports gears, boots, bags, school supplies, books, and toys. A special…


UTI has given Kalisz a Christmas present: a complex traffic management system

UTI has given Kalisz a Christmas present: a complex traffic management system


UTI finalized and commissioned a complex traffic management system for the Municipality of Kalisz in Poland. In order to ease the traffic in this small town with a little over 100,000 inhabitants, UTI’s team performed design works for asphalting, electrical, telecommunications  works, permanent traffic organization and temporary road signaling. The designed works were implemented by our…


UTI implements a modern automated fare collection system with Metrorex

UTI implements a modern automated fare collection system with Metrorex


UTI Grup will be part of the modernization of the Bucharest subway network and will implement an automated fare collection and an access control system for the subway station on the 1, 2 and 3 lines. 41 subway stations and 70 passageways are going to be modernized with state-of-the-art access control systems – new validators…


UTI’s collaboration with local universities is meant to open new horizons

UTI’s collaboration with local universities is meant to open new horizons


UTI’s IT specialist have been involved in a large number of projects financed via The Operational Human Resources Development Program whose purpose is to improve the quality of the bachelor and master degree programs. The main partners of the program: “Constantin Brancusi” University in Targu-Jiu, Ovidius University in Constanta, “1 Decembrie” University in Alba Iulia,…
