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UTI has entered a new stage of the UTI Star Stategy

UTI has entered a new stage of the UTI Star Stategy


In 2005 UTI defined its economic and operational objectives within the UTI Star Strategy. The strategy was triggered both by the development of new business lines, as well as by the presence of an international investor among its shareholders. In 2011, UTI has entered a new stage of its development and has defined its tow…


UTI Systems is a Cisco partner for the ATP video surveillance solution

UTI Systems is a Cisco partner for the ATP video surveillance solution


UTI Systems is a Cisco partner for the video surveillance solution UTI Systems has become a Cisco partner for the South-Eastern Europe, providing the ATP video surveillance solution. Cisco is world leader for the communications network equipment and solutions. The UTI Company met all the rigorous requirements and criteria necessary to earn the designation of…


UTI Security&Fire Solutions secures the Institute for Studies and Power Engineering

UTI Security&Fire Solutions secures the Institute for Studies and Power Engineering


UTI Security&Fire Solutions implemented and set to function access control and video surveillance systems within the Institute for Studies and Power Engineering (ISPE). The project was complex and it required special technical solutions to lay the cables and install the equipment. ISPE develops integrated solutions to solve energy and environmental issues.


High-technology fire protection solutions for the Lafarge factories in Medgidia and Highiz

High-technology fire protection solutions for the Lafarge factories in Medgidia and Highiz


Early December, this year, UTI Security&Fire Solutions signed two contracts for the implementation of fire protection systems for the Lafarge factories in Medgidia and Hoghiz. Our specialists provided technical solutions according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and they were highly appreciated by the client risk consultant, Axa Matrix Risk Consultants Inc.
